I present you with the Tournament Manager application. This application is designed to manage sports competitions.
Saves sports results and presents a list of results, tables or ladder knockout.
This tool is perfect for coaches, teachers, fans, athletes and all other sports enthusiasts.
The application is able to manage the following types of sports and tournaments rozgrwyek:
- Leagues (everyone plays with everyone, in subsequent rounds)
- Cup (winner moves on to the next stage, the loser)
- Championship group stage and knockout phase
In the application, there are three registers.
1. The register of sports
By default, applications are installed in the following sports: football, volleyball, basketball, handball.
You may manually add and configure your own discipline.
You can add any number of items.
The configuration allows you to specify points for a win, a draw or a defeat, it can specify the maximum amount of points in the match, exclude draws.
2. The register teams / teams / players.
You can add any number of items.
3. Register the competition.
You can add any number of items.
Configuration of the competition.
Specify a unique name in the register and the number of teams involved in the game, the discipline,
the type of league games (each game each) and the cup (standard system or Double-elimination tournament).
All lists are available in transparent tables.
For landscape orientation on the screen device will be available two lists, for example.
- The list of disciplines and details of the selected discipline.
- A list of teams and the details of the selected team.
- A list of games and details of the selected game.
- A list of games and the list of teams assigned to the selected game.
- A list of games and the list of matches / meetings assigned to the selected game.
- You play for league table and the list of matches / meetings assigned to the selected game.
- Global ranking points.
- Positions medal.
- List of groups.
- Statistics for leagues
- Help in creating a tournament
Edit outcome of the meeting results in automatic update table games.
Each item (except the default disciplines) can be removed from the database.
Some of the best features:
- The application stores the data in a database SQLite available on any Android device.
High standard used when creating the database provides instant access to data
even in the case of very large quantities.
- Convenient, easy-to-use user interface and navigation
- Active development application (email me if you have any questions, suggestions, comments)
- More coming soon!
Enjoy it!
Required qualifications:
INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - to display ads in the free version and support my work (you can remove the ads in the "Remove Ads")
CHECK_LICENSE - control of the pay-version license
Saya hadir Anda dengan aplikasi Manajer Tournament. Aplikasi ini dirancang untuk mengelola kompetisi olahraga.
Menghemat hasil olahraga dan menyajikan daftar hasil, tabel atau tangga knockout.
Alat ini sangat cocok untuk pelatih, guru, fans, atlet dan semua penggemar olahraga lainnya.
Aplikasi ini mampu mengelola jenis berikut olahraga dan turnamen rozgrwyek:
- Liga (setiap orang memainkan dengan semua orang, di putaran berikutnya)
- Piala (pemenang bergerak ke tahap selanjutnya, yang kalah)
- Penyisihan grup Kejuaraan dan KO fase
Dalam aplikasi, ada tiga register.
1. Register olahraga
Secara default, aplikasi yang diinstal di olahraga berikut: sepak bola, bola voli, bola basket, bola tangan.
Anda dapat secara manual menambahkan dan mengkonfigurasi disiplin Anda sendiri.
Anda dapat menambahkan sejumlah item.
Konfigurasi ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menentukan poin untuk menang, imbang atau kalah, itu dapat menentukan jumlah maksimum poin dalam pertandingan, termasuk menarik.
2. Tim daftar / tim / pemain.
Anda dapat menambahkan sejumlah item.
3. Registrasi kompetisi.
Anda dapat menambahkan sejumlah item.
Konfigurasi kompetisi.
Tentukan nama unik dalam daftar dan jumlah tim yang terlibat dalam permainan, disiplin,
jenis pertandingan liga (setiap pertandingan masing-masing) dan cangkir (standar sistem atau Double-eliminasi turnamen).
Semua daftar yang tersedia di meja transparan.
Untuk orientasi landscape pada perangkat layar akan tersedia dua daftar, misalnya.
- Daftar disiplin dan rincian dari disiplin ilmu yang dipilih.
- Sebuah daftar tim dan rincian dari tim yang dipilih.
- Sebuah daftar permainan dan rincian dari permainan yang dipilih.
- Sebuah daftar permainan dan daftar tim ditugaskan untuk permainan yang dipilih.
- Sebuah daftar permainan dan daftar kecocokan / pertemuan ditugaskan untuk permainan yang dipilih.
- Anda bermain untuk tabel liga dan daftar kecocokan / pertemuan ditugaskan untuk permainan yang dipilih.
- Peringkat global poin.
- Posisi medali.
- Daftar kelompok.
- Statistik untuk liga
- Bantuan dalam menciptakan sebuah turnamen
Mengedit hasil pertemuan menghasilkan game update tabel otomatis.
Setiap item (kecuali disiplin default) dapat dihapus dari database.
Beberapa fitur terbaik:
- Aplikasi ini menyimpan data dalam SQLite database yang tersedia pada setiap perangkat Android.
standar tinggi yang digunakan saat membuat database menyediakan akses cepat ke data
bahkan dalam kasus jumlah yang sangat besar.
- Nyaman, mudah digunakan antarmuka pengguna dan navigasi
- Pengembangan aplikasi Active (email saya jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, saran, komentar)
- Selebihnya datang segera!
Bersenang senang lah!
kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan:
INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - untuk menampilkan iklan dalam versi gratis dan mendukung pekerjaan saya (Anda dapat menghapus iklan di "Hilangkan iklan")
CHECK_LICENSE - kontrol lisensi berbayar versi
I present you with the Tournament Manager application. This application is designed to manage sports competitions.
Saves sports results and presents a list of results, tables or ladder knockout.
This tool is perfect for coaches, teachers, fans, athletes and all other sports enthusiasts.
The application is able to manage the following types of sports and tournaments rozgrwyek:
- Leagues (everyone plays with everyone, in subsequent rounds)
- Cup (winner moves on to the next stage, the loser)
- Championship group stage and knockout phase
In the application, there are three registers.
1. The register of sports
By default, applications are installed in the following sports: football, volleyball, basketball, handball.
You may manually add and configure your own discipline.
You can add any number of items.
The configuration allows you to specify points for a win, a draw or a defeat, it can specify the maximum amount of points in the match, exclude draws.
2. The register teams / teams / players.
You can add any number of items.
3. Register the competition.
You can add any number of items.
Configuration of the competition.
Specify a unique name in the register and the number of teams involved in the game, the discipline,
the type of league games (each game each) and the cup (standard system or Double-elimination tournament).
All lists are available in transparent tables.
For landscape orientation on the screen device will be available two lists, for example.
- The list of disciplines and details of the selected discipline.
- A list of teams and the details of the selected team.
- A list of games and details of the selected game.
- A list of games and the list of teams assigned to the selected game.
- A list of games and the list of matches / meetings assigned to the selected game.
- You play for league table and the list of matches / meetings assigned to the selected game.
- Global ranking points.
- Positions medal.
- List of groups.
- Statistics for leagues
- Help in creating a tournament
Edit outcome of the meeting results in automatic update table games.
Each item (except the default disciplines) can be removed from the database.
Some of the best features:
- The application stores the data in a database SQLite available on any Android device.
High standard used when creating the database provides instant access to data
even in the case of very large quantities.
- Convenient, easy-to-use user interface and navigation
- Active development application (email me if you have any questions, suggestions, comments)
- More coming soon!
Enjoy it!
Required qualifications:
INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - to display ads in the free version and support my work (you can remove the ads in the "Remove Ads")
CHECK_LICENSE - control of the pay-version license